Morning is the time which sets the tone for your entire day, so it is extremely important to utilize this time to make your day more productive and beautiful. Here are few Morning tips for success.

Using Cellphone

Most of the people have this habit of picking up the phone first thing and start checking their emails, browsing their social media feeds or randomly browsing the internet.

Doing this can quickly derail your productivity. There are other important tasks to be done before picking up the cellphone.

Hitting Snooze

If you have the habit of snoozing your alarm you are not only disrupting your sleep cycle but also making yourself groggy and unproductive. Instead, try to establish a consistent sleep schedule and wake up at the same time each day.

Having Tea/Coffee first thing

Most of us love to start our day with a cup of tea/coffee and we think it will make us feel energetic.

But the truth is far from it. It is not advisable to have tea/coffee on an empty stomach since both of them are acidic in nature and may disturb the acid-basic balance in your body which can lead to acidity or indigestion. Not just that, there is a compound called theophylline found in tea and it has dehydrating effect which may cause constipation. Tea/Coffee consumption first thing in the morning can also lead to erosion of tooth enamel as your mouth has to break down sugar which will increase the acid levels in the mouth.

It is better to start off your day with a fruit like Papaya or Watermelon. You can also have soaked almonds or dates.

Making Major Decisions

Making major decisions early in the morning when you are still groggy and haven’t fully woken up can lead to poor decision-making. Instead, give yourself time to fully wake up and get your bearings before making important decisions.

Skipping Exercise

While some people may prefer to exercise in the morning, it’s important to avoid skipping it altogether. Regular exercise can help improve your mood, increase energy levels, and improve cognitive function, so it’s important to make it a regular part of your routine.

These were few morning tips for success. Hope you enjoyed them.


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