Keep 10% of your earnings for yourself and then use the remaining amount for expenses.
Start making a list of all your expenses. See it at the end of the day. You’ll realize that many expenses were totally uncalled for and can be avoided. Spend wisely and cut down all unwanted expenses.
Idle money is of no use. Once you have saved enough by keeping aside 10% of your earnings, put it to work. Invest it wisely to generate a passive income.
Don’t fall in the trap of becoming rich overnight. People will give you all sort of advice but listen to the trusted ones only.
Try and own the house you live in. But save enough before buying a house. Avoid taking any sort of loan as much as possible.
Make hay while the sun shines and ensure that you have enough for the time when you won’t be able to earn.
Keep upgrading and updating your skills from time to time. You never know when your current set of skills will become outdated.