12 Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Were Illegal in The US

12 Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Were Illegal in The US

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Using a fake name online

When you’re trying to protect your information online by creating a fake name, you might be safe from hackers, you might not be safe from the law.

Stealing Wi-Fi

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Even low-level Wi-Fi theft could get you arrested.

Just like any other side-hustle, you’re required to declare your earnings and pay taxes.


Ignoring your eBay habit on your tax returns

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White Frame Corner

Sometimes you don’t actually even need to be drunk—police can arrest you just for looking intoxicated, and you’d need to prove yourself sober later.

Having a few too many drinks

In states and cities around the country, including Massachusetts; New York City; and Dodge City, Kansas, it’s illegal to spit on sidewalks or in public.


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About 53 percent of American cities have laws against sitting or lying down in public.

Sitting on the sidewalk

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White Frame Corner

Most songs that come out free from services like LImewire or Youtube are protected under a copyright law meaning that downloading that song without paying for it a crime.

Downloading Music for Free

The Illegal Gambling Business Act states that a game of poker generating over $2,000 of revenue is illegal.

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Playing Poker with Friends

Password sharing is a violation of the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,

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Sharing your password

Most States require a dog license so owners can prove that their canine is up to date on their rabies vaccinations.

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Not getting a dog license

A number of states have laws saying it is illegal to throw away cell phones and other electronics to avoid the toxins entering landfills.

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Throwing away an old cell phone

Walking to a crosswalk when there’s no traffic coming might seem silly, but crossing without one could lead to a hefty fine.

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